How to get a job in another country – the basics:
Analysis of your professional situation + development of a step-by-step job search plan + recommendations for resume writing and filling out your LinkedIn career profile
Conducted online. Price:60 €

How to get a job in Finland (for specialists)
Analysis of your professional situation + development of a step-by-step job search plan + recommendations for resume writing for Finnish employers and filling out your LinkedIn career profile + job sources + information on the process of obtaining a residence permit
Conducted online. Price: 80 €

Expert analysis of LinkedIn profile
Analysis of your LinkedIn profile + SMART-report with suggestions for improving your profile, developing your personal brand and effective networking.
Provided remotely. Price 40 €. Delivery 2-3 days.

Express-training “How to get a job in an international company”
Five online training sessions including: comprehensive career situation analysis, identification of marketable skills, developing unique selling proposition | job market & job opportunity analysis | creating an effective CV in and cover letter in English | creating or adjusting LinkedIn profile | Successful interview techniques | Interactive job interview training. Please ask for detailed information about the package.
Price 250 € for 5 online training sessions.

Personal career development consultation:
Interactive job interview training
Creating CV and cover letter for chosen vacancy
Opportunities for personal/professional relocation
Career coaching
Price: 60 €/h

If you are interested, please provide us with some information about yourself, including your personal goals and your preferred dates for the training: